Thursday, April 16, 2009

Do Drunk People Tell the Truth?

I have received 3 drunk dials already tonight and it is only 9:47. All have had different objectives, points, half points, or questions to impose. Obviously, as spring slowly fades toward summer, Thirsty Thursdays are back in full swing. Here's what I want to know: Are the things people say when they are intoxicated true?

I figure, there has to be some shreds of truth covered in embellishments or hidden by topic changes. It's kinda weird to be on this side of the conversation for once... ;)

Anyone can ask my friends when I chose to tell her my deepest, darkest secrets. It's almost always when I have been drinking. At the same time, they don't come out in complete truth because I have this little buddy, vodka, who takes away my filter.

All this being said, This isn't really a post as much of a question I am throwing out there to the universe. How truthful are drunk people?! (Oh, feel free to pass this question along so I can get more subscriber because I am kinda lacking in that department.)

Send some thoughts my way on this.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I think drunken phone calls or conversations are generally the most truthful. They're especially great when the person forgets the next day what they told you and they look at you like you're crazy and making things up. However, I don't know how it works when you get into drunken fights with someone and they say harsh things, do they mean it? Ah, geeze, now you got me thinking about this one Jess!
    <3 RayKay
